
Monday, July 26, 2010

Aunt Momo and Tot's first photoshoot together

For Aunt Momo's birthday, I decided that she and totsy needed some good photos of the two of them. Even though the day was hot and humid and Campbell was not altogether patient, the pictures turned out so well. I just love them!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ernie's surprise 30th birthday

It is apparent that the Gwin family loves surprise parties! We were honored to help Ernie Dye celebrate his 30th at the Brookhaven. Sorry Tot; this party was Butterbean-free.

4th of July extravaganza

Even though Totsy could only be there for Sunday night and Monday, she had a blast rocking her patriotic bathing suit. She and Uncle John also discovered that they both love Crocs. Tot also met a new friend, "Em" otherwise known as "Emma Dye". Campbell was a big help teaching Em the proper "open wide" technique as seen below. Overall, a great time with friends as family!

Father's Day 2010

John and Melissa had us all over for a Father's day cookout. Tot experienced her first hammock, baby swimming pool, and frisbee toss. She also helped her grandad open some gifts. Aunt Julie was on hand to love on the tot! Although Tot way preferred loving on Mike's son, Brandon.

Davis BBQ

Our Davis family invited us all to a cookout the Thursday before 4th of July weekend. It was a great time with family and my friend Mike and his son Brandon. I learned that I could still throw a football in the backyard like a champ...and in heels!